How much will it cost your children to go to University of Southern California?

If you are a Freshman at University of Southern California today, your child could pay an estimated $321K to $409K for tuition and fees, in today’s dollars, to attend the same school. That's an increase of $188K compared to the cost today.

Estimate 1 is based on the school's average tuition increase over the last 10 years.

Estimate 2 is based on the school's average tuition increase over the last 3 years.

Annual Inflation vs. Tuition Change at University of Southern California

For the past decade, annual inflation has averaged 1.8%, while University of Southern California has increased costs 4.2% per year.

University of Southern California Annual Tuition in 2019 Dollars

After adjusting for inflation, University of Southern California tuition & fees are up 25.9% over the past decade

Projected Tuition & Fees Over Time

If you are a Freshman today, your child will pay $80K to $102K / year, in today’s dollars, to attend University of Southern California.

Estimate 1 is based on the school's average tuition increase over the last 10 years.

Estimate 2 is based on the school's average tuition increase over the last 3 years.

Projected Tuition & Fees Over Time

If you are a Freshman today, your child will pay $80K to $102K / year, in today’s dollars, to attend University of Southern California.

Estimate 1 is based on the school's average tuition increase over the last 10 years.

Estimate 2 is based on the school's average tuition increase over the last 3 years.

See what could happen at your school or alma mater

How did we run the numbers?

  • Step 1: Look at nominal tuition and mandatory fees for each school, as reported by IPEDS. This includes data through the 2017-18 academic year.
  • Step 2: Adjust historical tuition + fees for 2019 dollars. Multiply nominal data by inflation factor. Specifically, anchor on 2019, look at Bureau of Labor Statistics data on what a dollar in 2018 is worth in 2019, for example. Repeat the process for all previous years.
  • Step 3: Now that you have inflation adjusted tuition + fees, calculate the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the past 10 years. Mechanically, the formula is (Final Year Tuition / First Year Tuition)^(1/10)-1. You can also do this over a 3 year period.
  • Step 4: Project future costs. We've already adjusted for inflation in the previous step, so the formula is (2019 tuition + fees) X (1 + Inflation Adjusted CAGR)^(t years in the future).