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Accessibility statement

Last Updated: August 2020

General statement

At Juno we keep a constant eye on contrast, button size, cohesiveness, coherency, and we truly feel that our services should strive to meet the needs of not just our able members, but all people, including those with accessibility impairments. Something we’re trying to push for with our products is the idea that everyone can have access to an affordable education. Right now we’re in the middle of getting a good baseline for our web experience. We are taking measures to ensure that all of the pages on our website meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, at the AA level.

Site disclaimer

Despite our efforts to make all pages and content on joinjuno.com accessible for everyone, know that this is a work in progress. If there is anything on our site that is not fully accessible, this may be a result of joinjuno.com not having found or identified the most appropriate solution from either a technological or implementation perspective. When this occurs, please note that we’re working diligently to fulfill any and all inaccessibility concerns.

Can we help?

If you’re experiencing any difficulties with joinjuno.com know that we’re very happy to assist you in accessing our site and our products. Feel free to send us a message at Support@joinjuno.com and we’ll set up a zoom call together.

Reporting a concern

On the same note, if you’d like to call out a site experience that could be more accessible feel free to send a message to support@joinjuno.com.