Juno’s Rate Match Guarantee
If you find a lower rate* than the rate quoted to you through Juno's deal with Earnest, for similar loan terms:
Earnest will match the lower rate you found elsewhere
Juno will pay you 1% of the loan amount as cash back
If you believe you’ve found a lower rate from an eligible lender, just tell us about it using this form.

Rate Match Steps
Submit an application to Earnest through Juno
Get an approved offer and then stop. Don’t select repayment terms on the Earnest site.
Shop around to see if you can find lower rates elsewhere.
If you find a lower rate
Get a loan offer from an eligible national lender and send us your unsigned Approval Disclosure form via email or this web form. We'll show you how to find the Approval Disclosure on the next page of this form.
Wait for Juno to match your loan
Once you receive an email from Juno confirming we’ve updated your Earnest loan offer to match the competitor, you can sign it.
Receive an extra 1% cash back on your loan amount from Juno
That's a total of 3% for undergraduates! (Graduate students receive a rate discount instead)
Wouldn’t my credit score be impacted multiple times if I shop around and apply for multiple student loans?
No. FICO allows you to shop around within a 14 day window and receive multiple student loan hard credit checks without any additional dings to your score. * 14 day window number provided via Earnest
If I found a lower rate but it has different terms and repayment plans, would I still be eligible for the rate match?
A: Potentially. Earnest will attempt to match whatever terms are given by the other lender, as long as those terms are available on Earnest. If they do not have matching terms, some changes may apply (ex. a 20 year loan will be converted to a 15 year term, since Earnest does not offer 20 year loan terms).
Q: How do I know if a lender will be eligible for the rate match program?
A: We match Discover, Sallie Mae, Ascent, MEFA (grad only), Citizens, College Ave, EDvestinU, INvestED, SoFi, PNC, Nelnet Bank, ELFI, SouthEast Bank, Custom Choice, and Abe loans. We also have some additional options for Harvard, Stanford and Northwestern students.
Q: What's the process for Harvard students?
A: This year there's no need to get an approval disclosure from HUECU. Simply apply to Earnest and fill out our rate match form to ensure you get the lowest rates. As a bonus, we offer the $25 per month for the same rate as deferred as long as you select that option when filling out our form (giving you access to the autopay discount sooner).
How does the guarantee work?
If you believe you’ve found a lower rate on the private student loan market, just tell us about it using this form.
We’ll make sure you are comparing apples to apples and if you are, you'll be approved for the rate match program.
Once approved, Earnest will update your rates to the lower rate you found elsewhere and Juno will pay you 1% of the loan amount as the loan is disbursed.
Have you, by some miracle, found a better deal? We’re shocked but here’s our form to submit a claim. It’s really this easy.

Who is eligible for the guarantee?
The guarantee works for anyone who meets the following criteria:
- Has received a cheaper, comparable rate quote from an eligible private student loan provider
- That quote is within 15 days of a quote from Juno's covered lending partner
- Borrows using Juno’s lending partner
Even if you don't meet this criteria, reach out to us at hello@joinjuno.com. We will do our best to get you approved for the rate match program.
We’ve spelled out all the fine print below with the help of our lawyers, but we hope that the above is a great summary of it! Details below.
Juno 2024 Rate Match Guarantee Program (the “Program”)
The Program is subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Program Sponser
LeverEdge Association, a Delaware corporation doing business as Juno (“Juno”)
2. The Program:
Subject to the terms and condition herein, if an Eligible Participant (as defined below) receives a loan from a Juno Preferred Lender (as defined below) during the Program Period and the interest rate for such Juno Preferred Lender Loan as shown on the Approved Disclosure for Juno Preferred Lender Loan is greater than the loan interest rate shown on the Approval Disclosure offered by an eligible private lender during the Program Period (“Other Loan”), then Juno, following receipt of a Claim and verification that the interest rate of the Other Loan is lower than that interest rate of the June Preferred Lender Loan, will request Juno Preferred Lender to update the interest rate to match the interest rate offered by the Other Loan. In addition, Juno will pay the Eligible Participant 1% of the disbursed loan amount.
Eligible Private Lenders:
- Sallie Mae Bank
- Ascent Funding, LLC
- MEFA Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (graduate students only)
- Citizens Bank
- College Avenue Student Loans
- EDvestinU by New Hampshire Higher Education Corporation
- INvestED
- SoFi
- Nelnet Bank
- Education Loan Finance (ELFI)
- SouthEast Bank
- Custom Choice
- Abe
- Star One (grad only, with exceptions)
- Harvard University Employees Credit Union (grad only)
- Northwestern University (grad only)
3. Definitions:
“Approval Disclosure” means the loan payment disclosure form that private student loan lenders are required to provide to a loan applicant pursuant to Regulation Z issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection,
“Domestic” means those Juno members who are either (A) U.S. Citizens or (B) U.S. Permanent Residents and enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate college or university program in the United States of America.
“Final Disclosure” means the loan payment disclosure form that private student loan lenders are required to provide to a student loan borrower pursuant to Regulation Z issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
“Juno Preferred Lender Loan” means a student loan lender that Juno has identified as a preferred lender during the Program Period.
4. Program Period:
Unless earlier terminated by Juno, the Program will run from June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025 (“Program Period”) and will apply only to Juno Preferred Lender Loans for Eligible Participants have received a disbursement during the Program Period.
5. Eligible Participants:
Program participants must either be a Domestic graduate in-school members and Domestic undergraduate in-school members of Juno who have received a disbursement under a student loan with a Juno Preferred Lender.
6. Claim Procedure:
Eligible Participants are required to submit a claim (“Claim”) by using the online Claim Form found on joinjuno.com. The claim must be submitted within 15 days of the Eligible Participant receives the Final Disclosure from Juno Preferred Lender and at least 7 business days prior to a scheduled disbursement of the loan.
7. Eligible Claims:
Claims submitted by Eligible Participants for the Program (“Claimants”) must meet the following criteria or otherwise must be approved by Juno in writing (including by e-mail) on a case-by-case basis.
- The following terms of the Juno Preferred Lender Loan and the Other Loan must be the same to be eligible for the Program: (i) repayment term (e.g. 5, 7, 10 or 15), (ii) repayment plan (e.g. immediate, interest only, partial interest repayment and full deferment); (iii) interest rate type (e.g. fixed or variable), (iv) the co-signer name; and (v) loan principal amount.
- Claimant has submitted the Approval Disclosure received from the lender for the Other Loan and the Approval Disclosure was generated within 15 days of receiving a quote from Juno's Preferred Lender.
- Rate Match is dependent on submitting a new application and being approved by a Juno Preferred Lender.
- The Other Loan with a term of 8 years from another lender may be comparable to a 7 year quote offered by a Juno Preferred Lender.
- We will not be able to match a rate lower than our partner's rate flow – that is to say, the lowest possible rate they offer. As of May 30, 2024, that is 4.64% fixed without the autopay discount.
- If there is no date printed on the disclosure, an email that highlights the date of application and/or other reasonable evidence of the date of the disclosure is within the defined time period will be acceptable.
Other Loans and loans received from Juno Preferred Lender Loan may have the following
differences and still be considered on the “same” terms for purpose of Program./or other
reasonable evidence of the date of the disclosure is within the defined time period will
be acceptable.
- There may be up to a six (6) month difference in grace period between Other Loans and loans from the Juno Preferred Lender.
- There may be up a six (6) month difference in the overall loan term between Other Loans and loans from Company.
- The Other Loan with a term of 8 years from another lender may be comparable to a 7 year quote offered by a Juno Preferred Lender.
- An Approval Disclosure for an Other Loan that does not have a co-signer may be compared with a Final Disclosure from Earnest with a co-signer.
- The index utilized for the variable loan may not necessarily be the same. For clarity, a variable rate loan that uses the 3-month LIBOR instead of the 1-month LIBOR is pre-approved.
- Any other exceptions agreed to by Juno that Juno deems to be fair and reasonable in the comparison of quotes. Juno may need to consult with the Juno Preferred Lender prior to approving any exceptions.
Juno reserves the right to deny or approve any guarantee claim at its sole discretion. Program participants are encouraged to not take any actions by assuming that the guarantee claim will be approved. Program participants are encouraged to wait until they are notified by Juno that the guarantee claim has been approved before taking any actions including but not limited to accepting the loan offer from the Juno Preferred Lender.
VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. Juno reserves the right to modify, alter, suspend, or terminate this Program at any time without prior notice.