Best Student Discounts You Can Get With An ID or .edu Email
You can save a lot if you're a student. Here's how.
College can be incredibly expensive, so it's worth your while to take advantage of all the perks you get with your student ID card and .edu email address. The Juno team has assembled some of the best deals and discounts available for you below.
With an .edu email
- Amazon Prime reduction (50% off)
- Adobe discount (60% off)
- Best Buy (varies)
- Autodesk (1 year free)
- Hulu (70% off)
- Microsoft Office (50% off)
- The Washington Post (90% off)
- The New York Times (75% off)
- Unidays(varies)
- Discounts with Verification from UNiDAYS
- Adidas
- American Eagle
- Apple Educational Store
- Asos
- Chegg
- Costco
- Headspace
- Hollister
- Skillshare
- Sam’s Club
- The Princeton Review
- Discounts with Verification from UNiDAYS
With a valid ID card
- Amtrak (15% off)
- Museum Admission (discounted or free)
- Cell Phone Plans (AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile)
- Spotify (50% off)
- Samsung (varies)
- General Motors (varies)
- GitHub Student Developer Pack

Written By
Juno Team
Juno came into existence to help students save money on student loans and other financial products through group buying power by negotiating with lenders. The Juno Team has worked with 200,000+ students and families to help them save money.